We've made changes due to the merging of the terms of our exchange, BL3P, with those of Bitonic, resulting in a single set of general terms and conditions. Additionally, we've made linguistic adjustments to clarify and improve the accessibility of the terms. Below, you'll find the most important changes.
Merging BL3P and Bitonic terms
The current BL3P articles that also apply to the use of Bitonic have been merged. These are mostly general provisions that relate, among other things, to having an account with us or conducting transactions. Articles that are only applicable to BL3P will now be specifically identified in the Bitonic terms.
Several articles have been added with references to BL3P to clarify which sections apply to our trading platform. The most significant changes can be found in article 19 concerning our API. The API on BL3P supports the ability to place orders, read the order book, and withdraw euro or bitcoin.
Trading Rules
We have established Trading Rules aimed at ensuring a safe and fair trading environment. The rules cover, among other things, the placement of orders, the priority of processing these orders, fees, market integrity, and (scheduled) maintenance.
Change in the number of network confirmations
We have amended article 7, section 3, to allow for the potential increase in the number of network confirmations on the bitcoin blockchain in the future. The amendment in this article underscores that network confirmations may range from one or more confirmations, rather than just a single confirmation. At the moment, we require a minimum of one network confirmation.
Deadline for providing current, accurate, and complete information
As a Bitonic user, you are obligated to provide us with current, accurate, and complete information during the registration and verification process. You are also required to notify us of any changes (art. 3 section 4).
To streamline processes, we have introduced a deadline of 14 days. This ensures that we always have up-to-date information, especially from our business clients, regarding aspects such as organizational structure. Additionally, the deadline also ensures that changes are processed more quickly and our services better meet the needs of our clients.
Do you have any questions?
Please read the above notices carefully and familiarize yourself with the planned changes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email (contact@bl3p.eu), chat, or phone: +31 (0)20 261 94 66 (Mon – Fri 9:30 am – 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm).
Read the general terms and conditions here.