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BTC / EUR 56.500,00
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Closed beta 1.0 live

Bitonic presents: BL3P, the new European exchange. The first beta version is accessible for a selected group of users. With the help of these users we can experience the practical use of our exchange and we can fix possible bugs before going live publicly.

Our trading engine has been developed in cooperation with an external party with years of experience at several banks. The trading engine offers a scalable API and is ready for the future having a peak capacity of about 1000 trades/second.

BL3P distinguishes itself on the following points:

  • Compliance: We are in the process of obtaining a license with the Dutch central bank.
  • Low fees: a fixed fee of 0.3% for everyone.
  • Streamlined trading: Market orders, limit orders based on euro as well as bitcoin (spend and earn) with a live display of the estimate price.
  • Dutch base: We use Dutch bank accounts and offer the iDEAL payment method to be able to trade quickly.