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BTC / EUR 97.999,00
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Important: Trading on BL3P has been permanently halted on 20 December 2024 and all balances transferred to Bitonic. Please read our news article for more information.

BL3P development started

Bitonic has started developing its own exchange.

As result of the publicity around Bitcoin in April 2013, Bitonic noted a highly increasing demand. From that moment, we started preparing the development of our own exchange. Besides the number of purchases, we also noted a tremendous increase of sell orders. This enables us to keep prices sharp, which keeps interesting for most users. However, a platform on which people can trade with each other offers more opportunities, especially for the more serious traders.

What makes us different is that our exchange will fully conform to European regulations. To achieve this, we will start an application for a license from the Dutch Central Bank, together with a professional party.

With a Dutch base, Dutch bank accounts, extensive experience and a team of specialists, we want to create a reliable and high quality European exchange.