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BTC / EUR 53.935,37
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Bitcoin Cash (Bcash) to be removed

Coming Tuesday the 15th a hardfork for Bitcoin Cash (BCH/Bitcash/Bcash) is planned. Since there already was a planning for the removal of Bitcash the hardfork has become a reason and strict deadline for the removal of Bitcash from BL3P.

Everyone who had bitcoins on BL3P on 1 August at 15:16:49 CEST, has received an equal amount of Bitcoin Cash (bitcash). BL3P maintains a strict selection policy when it comes to support for altcoins, bitcash unfortunately does not meet these requirements. For this reason we have not made it possible to trade bitcash on BL3P. In addition, we will disable the option to withdraw bitcash per 15 May, 2018.

You have until 14 May, 2018, 15:00:00 CEST to withdraw your bitcash balance from BL3P. You can choose to transfer it to a bitcash wallet or to trade it on another exchange. Below we elaborate upon the possibilities.

Withdraw and store bitcash in your own wallet

Unfortunately we can’t recommend a specific wallet or offer technical support. You can choose a wallet for yourself, at your own risk. After installation, you will receive a bitcoincash address. You can withdraw the coin on BL3P by clicking at the top of the page to convert the market to bitcoin cash (BCHEUR): Click / tap €. You can then enter your bitcoincash address on the 'withdrawal' page. Click on the amount next to "Available", to include your entire balance.

Trading bitcash on another exchange

You can withdraw your bitcash credit in the same manner as described above. You then enter a bitcash deposit address from the exchange where you want to trade your bitcash. If you want to use an instant coin conversion service such as, make sure to first create your own wallet, as you’ll need a bitcoincash address as a return address. Never enter a bitcoin address!

Click here for a list of exchanges that support bitcash.