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BTC / EUR 97.999,00
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Dear visitor
Important: Trading on BL3P has been permanently halted on 20 December 2024 and all balances transferred to Bitonic. Please read our news article for more information.

Create a BL3P account

The right choice for you?

BL3P is aimed primarily at traders who want to buy or sell bitcoins on a regular basis. Of course we also welcome you to do a one time purchase, but you might want to consider using an exchange service like Read more »

Username & password

Username should start with a letter and be between 3 and 20 characters long. Allowed characters: lower and upper case letters, numbers and (non-sequential) dash (-), underscore (_) and dot.

A strong password is required, because we feel it's necessary for our customers to have a secure account. A strong password can, for example, consist of a string of at least 8 mixed (uppercase, lowercase) letters, numbers and special characters, or an easy to recall passphrase consisting of several random words, preferably with some added numbers or special characters.

Username or email address already in use?

If you signed up before, try logging in with the link in the green bar. Should you enter a wrong password, we will show you a link to reset your password. In the case something goes wrong in the signup process, it could happen that your account is created on our verification server, but not connected to BL3P. In that case we advise you to contact us.